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Stitches and Stories with Heather Richardson
The Market Place Theatre and Arts Centre

Stitches and Stories with Heather Richardson.

Saturday 27th July 2024 | – 12.15pm | £18.00

Coming together to sew, a creative space is opened up inside us with opportunities to explore ideas and memories. In this practical workshop, you will work on your own stitched ‘pocket amulet’ – a keepsake for your hopes and dreams. As we stitch, we will discuss our responses to a series of textile-related prompts. No previous experience is required.

Heather Richardson is a writer, a visual artist and an educator. The author of two novels, Magdeburg, and Doubting Thomas, and she won the 2020 Brian Moore Short Story Award. A Dress for Kathleen, a poetic family history in prose, was published by Story Machine in 2023. As a visual artist, her work combines words and textiles to explore memory and history.