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What's On

Art Camp for Kids
The Market Place Theatre and Arts Centre
03300 561 025

Mon 5 – Fri 9 Aug | 10am – 1pm (early drop off from 9.30am available) | £65 for the full week | Siblings: £55 each for second or third child


After last summer’s successful program, Art Camp is back for another year. New artists, new techniques, new materials and new ideas but just as much fun! You will be introduced to a mix of famous artists from history and some new modern masters during the week to inspire your artwork. We will explore and experiment with a variety of different art forms. There will be some painting, sculpting and action painting and some time left every day for you to unleash your own creativity. Let’s not forget about all the new friendships that will be made throughout the week too! The camp ends with an exhibition showcasing all the artwork made during the week.


It will be messy, colourful and pressure free. Creativity at its best!


Max No: 15 | Suitable for 7-13 years | Tutor: Lina Morgan and Art Team