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On our way to Lisbon
The Market Place Theatre and Arts Centre
03300 561 025
£16 / £14 (concession)

Thurs 3rd Oct | 8pm | £16 / £14 (concession)

Glasgow Celtic’s 1967 European Cup win is one of the great sporting legends of all time.

This amazing feat has been turned into a spectacular two-man play called ‘On our way to Lisbon’ by Patrick Prior, and produced by Isosceles Theatre Company.

Two fans recreate the epic campaign that saw Jock Stein’s young team sweep aside the best that Europe had to offer.

Pat Abernethy and Dave Marsden play everything – players, crowds, commentators, managers, in a masterpiece of story-telling, both heart-felt and hilarious.

The glory of the famous victory is set against the drab reality of their Glasgow existence…was Celtic’s victory the best moment of their lives?

Over the last few years, the play has thrilled audiences in Scotland, Ireland, England and Las Vegas, gathering rave reviews, awards and standing ovations.

The show has obvious appeal for football fans, but for those with little interest in the game, it stands as a stunning piece of theatre for all.

After a performance in Dublin, the two actors were approached by a member of the audience who said ‘’I’ve never been to a play before, but that was the best night of my life’’

This is a two-man play with a cast of thousands… theatre at its best… hilarious slow-motion scenes… high octane stuff, marvellously executed. I felt the entirely enthusiastic audience could happily have stayed for more – Mail on Sunday

You’ll love this show –  Irish Post

A sublime mix of physical theatre and hilarious impersonations…. The two actors never let up the pace until the explosion of that final whistle… excellent writing, expertly performed – The Stage

Great energy, humour and bonhomie…enjoy the memories – The Scotsman

Brilliant…superbly written and impeccably performed – Sunday Business Post

More information can be found at: